On this website we use cookies in order to provide a better service and give you a better browsing experience. We want to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies we use, detailing below what a cookie is, what it is used for, what types of cookies we use, what their purpose is and how you can configure or disable them if you wish.


What is a cookie and what is it used for?

A "Cookie" is a small file that is stored on the user's computer, tablet, smartphone or any other device with information about navigation.

The set of "cookies" of all our users helps us to improve the quality of our website, allowing us to control which pages are useful, which are not and which are susceptible to improvement.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the Internet, providing countless advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating the navigation and usability of our website.

In no case the cookies could damage your computer. On the other hand, the fact that they are active helps us to identify and resolve errors.


What types of cookies do we use?

  1. Technical Cookies: These are those necessary for navigation and the proper functioning of our website. They are own Cookies and do not store any personal information.


  1. Customization Cookies: These are those that allow you to access the service with predefined features based on a number of criteria, such as language, the type of browser through which you access the service, the locale from which you access the service, etc.


  1. Analysis Cookies: These are those that allow us to quantify the number of users and thus perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the services provided. To do this, your browsing on our website is analyzed in order to improve the range of products and services we offer.


  1. Behavioral advertising cookies: These cookies store information on user behavior obtained through continuous observation. Thanks to them, we can learn about your browsing habits on the Internet and show you advertising related to your browsing profile.


Cookie Description Duration Source Provider
Security AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY, NONCE_KEY. 48 hours or when you close your browser. 14 days if you click on remember me. Own. Agróptimum Group S.L
Language Language preference: Used to remember which language the visitor chose in their session.  Session Cookie Own. Agróptimum Group S.L
SESSIONID Visitor log session: Used to log your session; it is not intrusive and does not keep track of you between visits or across different Web sites. Used for things like login areas and shopping carts. It is integrated into our Web server software. Session Cookie Own. Agróptimum Group S.L
ns_cookietest Browser preference check: Used to confirm that your browser can accept cookies. Session Cookie Own. Agróptimum Group S.L
ns_session Set of session visits: Used to identify user sessions for aggregate statistics. Session Cookie Own. Agróptimum Group S.L
__utma Identification of unique visitors: Used to record unique visitors for statistical and analytical purposes. 2 years Google (Analytics) Google Inc.
__utmb Visitor session determination: Google Analytics uses two cookies to establish a session. If either of these two cookies is missing, another activity initiates the start of a new session. 30 minutes Google (Analytics) Google Inc.
__utmc Visitor session determination: Google Analytics uses two cookies to establish a session. If either of these two cookies is missing, another activity initiates the start of a new session. Session Google (Analytics) Google Inc.
__utmz Logging of traffic sources and navigation: Used to record how you arrived at our Web site (from a Google search, advertisement, etc.) and the paths you take while navigating our site. We use this information to improve the user experience in future updates. 6 months Google (Analytics) Google Inc.


Thank you for allowing us to use cookies to improve your user experience. However, if you choose to decline cookies, here's how you can configure your browser to do so:


Google Chrome

- In the settings menu at the top right of the browser.

- Select "Options" and click on "Show advanced options".

- Select "Content settings".

- In the cookies section select FOR OUR WEBSITE COOKIES "Allow local data to be stored (recommended) "to accept all cookies, "Keep local data until you close the browser" to delete cookies when you close the browser or "Do not allow site data" to reject all cookies. FOR THIRD PARTY COOKIES (advertisers) if you select "Block site data and third party cookies" you will be rejecting the cookies we use for advertising.


Mozilla Firefox (for PC)

- In the tools menu, select "options".

- Select the privacy tab at the top of the window.

- From the drop-down menu choose "use custom settings for history".

- Check "Accept cookies" and "Accept third-party cookies" to accept all cookies or check only "Accept third-party cookies" and the NEVER option to reject advertising cookies.


Mozilla Firefox (for Mac)

- In the top tool menu, click Firefox and select "Preferences".

- Click on Privacy.

- Under History, select from the drop-down tab "Use custom settings for history".

- Check "Accept cookies" and "Accept third-party cookies" to accept all cookies or check only "Accept third-party cookies" and the NEVER option to reject advertising cookies.


IE 6+

- From the Tools menu, select "Internet Options".

- Click on the Privacy tab.

- You will see a privacy setting scroll slider that has six positions that allow you to control the amount of cookies that will be set: Block all cookies, High (we will be able to use technical cookies), Medium High (blocks first and third party cookies that obtain data without the user's explicit consent), Medium (blocks third party cookies that obtain data without the user's explicit consent and restricts first party cookies), Low (allows first-party cookies and restricts third-party cookies), and Accept all cookies.


Apple Safari

- With Safari open, go to the Finder toolbar and select "Safari".

- From the drop-down menu, select the "Preferences" option.

- Select the "Security" tab.

- In the "Accept cookies" section, check "always" to accept all cookies, "never" to reject all cookies, or "only from sites I visit" to reject advertising and third-party cookies.

- For Safari 5.1 in the "Block Cookies" section check "Never" to accept all cookies, "always" to reject all cookies, or "from advertising and third parties" to reject the latter.



- From the home screen, select Settings.

- Select Safari.

- Click Accept Cookies.

- Check the option "always" to accept all cookies, "never" to reject all cookies, or "from visited" to reject advertising and third-party cookies.



- Launch the browser application.

- Click the Menu button and select the "More" option.

- Click on the Settings option.

- Check or uncheck "Accept cookies".